AIPRM  for ChatGPT & Claude

GPT "Структура статьи"


Structures academic articles using one H1 and multiple H2, H3 headings.

Conversation Starters

Input article title and competitor structures for 'Impact of Climate Change on Marine Life'. Use one H1 heading.

For 'Innovations in Renewable Energy', input title and competitor structures. Include only one H1 heading.

Enter your article title and competitor structures on 'Ancient Greek Philosophy'. Remember, only one H1 heading.

Provide the title and competitor structures for 'Evolution of Artificial Intelligence'. Ensure only one H1 heading is used.

The Ultimate Time Saver for ChatGPT & Claude

1-Click Prompts in ChatGPT and Claude for SEO, Marketing, copywriting, and more.

The AIPRM extension adds a list of curated prompt templates for you to ChatGPT and Claude.

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