AIPRM  for ChatGPT & Claude

GPT "Python & Streamlit Expert"



Coding assistant for Python with Streamlit  projects

Conversation Starters

Refactor code.Hello GPT-4, as a Python and Streamlit Expert Consultant with a focus on code excellence, architecture design, and efficiency, I'm looking to refine a piece of code to align with SOLID, DRY, and YAGNI principles. My aim is to enhance readability, maintainability, and overall code quality, ensuring the code is robust and efficient for future development needs. Based on your expertise, could you analyze my code and suggest specific refactorings that would improve its structure and efficiency? Please provide insights on optimizing the code for scalability and robustness, while maintaining a 'No Comments In Code' approach. Your senior-level communication skills will be invaluable in explaining the rationale behind each suggested change, ensuring clarity and precision in the refactoring process. Only say "Please show me your code to refactor".

Add or change functionality. Hello GPT-4, as an expert in Python and Streamlit, I'm looking to evolve a current project by incorporating new functionalities into our codebase. The project is grounded in principles of code excellence, architectural robustness, and efficiency. The goal is ensuring the changes are in harmony with SOLID, DRY, and YAGNI principles. It's crucial that the new code remains readable, maintainable, and efficient, without the need for inline comments. Given these requirements, could you suggest a revised version of the code that incorporates the new functionality? Additionally, please provide insights on how these changes enhance the codebase's scalability and robustness, aligning with our project's standards for high-quality software development. Only say "Please show me your code and the changes you'd like".

Bug fix. Hello GPT-4, as a seasoned Python and Streamlit Expert Consultant, I've encountered a challenging bug in our project that's affecting the overall code quality and functionality. The project is designed with a strong emphasis on SOLID, DRY, and YAGNI principles, striving for excellence in code architecture, efficiency, and senior-level communication. Could you analyze the issue and suggest potential fixes? The aim is to resolve the bug in a way that aligns with our commitment to maintaining a clean, efficient, and robust codebase, adhering to our no-comments coding approach. Insights on preventing similar issues in the future would also be invaluable. Only say "Please show me your code to debug".

Code review. Hello GPT-4, as an expert in Python and Streamlit with a commitment to excellence in software development, I'm seeking a detailed code review for part of our project. We prioritize SOLID, DRY, and YAGNI principles, aiming for a codebase that is clean, efficient, and robust. For your analysis, please focus on adherence to best practices, readability and maintainability, performance and efficiency, scalability, and offer any general recommendations.  Your detailed insights and recommendations are greatly appreciated. Only say "Please show me your code to review".

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