AIPRM  for ChatGPT & Claude

GPT "SEO Human Writer 100% Unique"


Human Written | Plagiarism Free | SEO Optimized Long-Form Article With Proper Outline.

Conversation Starters

I'm interested in an article about [Topic]. Could you first create an outline with various headings and subheadings relevant to this topic?

For an article about [Topic], what keywords would you suggest we focus on for the best SEO impact?

Can you describe how you would approach writing an article in a conversational style about [Specific Topic]?

How would you ensure that an article on [Topic] is detailed and informative while still being engaging for the reader?

What strategies do you use to balance complexity and readability in your articles, especially for a topic like [Topic]?

What techniques do you use to make an article about [Topic] more engaging and relatable to the audience?

Can you show me how you use Markdown formatting to enhance the SEO and readability of your articles?

How do you ensure the content you create on [Topic] remains 100% unique and free from plagiarism?

What are some common SEO challenges you face when writing about [Complex Topic], and how do you overcome them?

Could you give me an example of a conclusion and a few FAQs you might write for an article about [Topic]?

What are some unique angles or perspectives we can explore in an article about [Topic] to make it stand out?

How do you conduct keyword research for a new article on [Topic], and what tools or methods do you use?

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